
Celebrating Women (1) – “Sarah”

May 04, 2020 By: Kyle Timmons Topics: Women, Mother's Day, Scripture: I Peter 3:5-6
Photo taken by Kyle Timmons (Jerusalem, 2019)

Throughout the Word of God women played a significant role in society despite what many believe was a culture of suppression.

In honor of Mother’s Day coming up next Sunday (May 8th) I thought we’d celebrate some of the women from the Scriptures.

The influences women had on their spouses and their families, the decisions they made while trying to remain obedient to God, and the relationships they had with others had, and still have, significant impacts on the way our world is today.

Whether it was Eve, Sarah, Rahab, Ruth, Naomi, Esther, or Mary, the mother of Jesus, we can celebrate the lives of the women of faith, whether mothers or not, as we thank God for the role women play in our lives.

Today, we celebrate a woman of great hope.

Her name was Sarai (aka Sarah).  She was a woman of pious nature who was described as both beautiful and hospitable and was the wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac.

Despite not knowing where they were going, Sarah trusted Abraham and followed him into the unknown promises that God had in store for both of them. 

I’m sure she had her own fears, doubts, and anxiety about how God was going to bless her and probably some second thoughts about encouraging her husband to sleep with Hagar to father a child instead of patiently waiting on God to fulfill His promises.

Despite her doubts and second guesses, Sarah modeled an example of how wives should submit (revere) to their husbands without fear.  She trusted God that Abraham, her husband, was the leader of the family and she allowed him to lead her and her children.

I Peter 3:5-6 describes Sarah in a beautiful way, “For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to adorn themselves.  They submitted themselves to their own husbands, like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him her lord.  You are her daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear.”

May God bless all women who show hope.  Not just in their spouses, if they are married, not just in their children, if they have birthed, but in all of God’s plans.