Preschool – 5th Grade – Teacher (Kelly Schneider) – class meets each Sunday at 9 am downstairs in the basement.
6th – 12th Grade – Teacher (Shari Ohm) – class meets each Sunday at 9 am in the church basement
Children & Youth Choir – Director (Betty Wolfe) – Open to all children/youth and meets at 9:45 am on Sundays and sings once a month.
Adult Study – TBD

Adult Study of Philippians – Led by Pastor Kyle
Sundays @ 9 am in the Clyde Lange Fellowship Hall
September 24th: An Introduction to Philippians and Paul’s epistles

The Book of Acts Bible Study
Beginning January 29th, Pastor Kyle will lead a study through the Book of Acts. The class meets live on Sunday mornings at 9 am in the church basement. All are welcome to join us at any time! Coffee is almost ALWAYS available.
If you miss a week, feel free to check out this page as we’ll try to upload each week’s lesson by the end of the following week. If you would ever like any material that we hand out in class, feel free to request it by emailing Pastor Kyle at pastorkyletimmons@live.com.

3 Week “How to Read Your Bible” Class Videos
PDF Files with the notes provided during the class are located below the video called “Tools of the Trade,” “Choosing the Best Translation,” and “Always Remember the Context.