
Church Announcements

Adult “Cookies at Christmas” Fellowship & Educational Class

Join us on Sundays in December (1st, 8th, 15th, & 22nd) as we enjoy Cookies at Christmas – a time of Advent fellowship and study. Bring a plate of your favorite Christmas cookies, or simply come and enjoy the treats made by others. Class will meet each Sunday morning at 9 am in the Clyde Lange fellowship Hall (church basement).

Mexican Progressive Dinner

The St. Peter’s Church Life committee invites you to our Mexican Progressive Dinner on January 25th, 2025 @ 5 PM.

Plan now to enjoy this fun evening all held at the church as we move from room to room enjoying appetizers, soups, salads, a main dish, dessert, and beverages. 

Additionally, we will have a salsa (dip) competition.  Plan on submitting your best salsa to see if you win the fun-spirited contest!

We will enjoy fellowship as we cap the evening with some fun games.

Best part….it’s FREE!  So plan now to attend. 

Sign-up will be held soon!

Other Announcements

Lay Readers: We are looking for a lay readers through December.  If interested, please put your name on the sign up sheet outside the sanctuary.

Dartball: Dartball will be starting back up beginning this Wednesday, September 11th.  We are always looking for players, so if you are interested, please contact Tim Frahm at (872) 222-1408

2025 Council Member Search:  Would you prayerfully consider serving on the church council for a 3-year period beginning in 2025?  If you’re interested, or simply want to learn more, please ask one of our current council members or contact the church office for more information.  Please let someone know before the end of September in order that we may plan accordingly. 

Children’s Choir: Children’s choir will now sing the first Sunday of each month.

2024 Turkey Supper – Click Here

Click on the link above for a review of the 2024 Turkey Supper

Beverly Junker Youth Music Scholarship: St. Peter’s UCC in Grant Park is committed to encouraging and financially supporting students as they enhance their skills and love of music/fine arts activities.  The Beverly Junker Scholarship may be used to attend a music camp, musical lessons, or toward fees associated with a music related expense (i.e. instrument, etc.). Scholarships up to $150 will be awarded based on availability and submission guidelines, and will be available to students entering grades 4-12. 

Students must be currently studying music in some capacity. Students will complete a scholarship application and submit it to St. Peter’s UCC for consideration.  Students should be a member of St. Peter’s, but not necessary.  Consideration towards St. Peter’s members will be a priority, along with students who attend worship and youth activities.  Students may earn the scholarship a maximum of two times.  To apply, contact stpetersgp@sbcglobal.net for a copy of the application form. 

Contact Information Update

If you have not contacted the church office to update your contact information, please do so.  We would like to have as up-to-date information as possible for church newsletters and special letters sent out to the congregation throughout the year.  We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Fusion Events (Youth Group for 6th-12th graders): The Fusion Youth Group will enjoy its annual All-Night Lock-in in December. For more details, visit our Facebook page or go to our church website at www.stpetersgp.org, (Under Ministries Section). You can also contact Josh (815) 693-5341 or Neal (815) 549-5911.

Click here to follow our Fusion updates.

The Beecher Food Pantry: is asking for pasta noodles (all kinds), tuna, cereal, hearty soups, beef stew, ketchup, shampoo, toothpaste, dish soap, laundry soap, and paper towels.