
Embracing Your Struggles

Today I’d like to start a series of devotionals captured by thoughts and quotes left by Ravi Zacharias.

Zacharias, author of more than 30 books, was an international evangelist and Christian apologist who was born in 1946 in the country of India.

He was an atheist until he was 17, when he tried to take his own life. While in the hospital, a Christian worker shared a copy of the Bible with him. During his reading of God’s Word he found the John 14:19 which became one of his favorite.

“Because I live, you also will live,” the verse read.

For the next several decades Zacharias lived and shared the Gospel of Jesus to millions. In March of 2020 he was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and he later died in mid-May.

Zacharias touched many lives, including mine. His heart, as his International Ministries’ staff wrote “was people.” “His passion and life’s work centered on helping people understand the beauty of the gospel message of salvation.”

Therefore, let us begin by looking at some of the lessons he leaves behind and pray that his passion to reach the world for Christ continues through these devotions.

In one of his texts, The Grand Weaver: How God Shapes Us Through the Events of Our Lives, Zacharias talked about one way we can view our earthly struggles and pains.

“So do not fear the struggle; rather, embrace it. Embrace it in the knowledge that the Grand Weaver will take all of your struggles, questions, disappointments, and fears and use them to build your faith and increasingly make you into a man or woman who looks like Jesus.”

Are you allowing your struggles in life to help develop Godly character?

Instead of complaining about life’s problems, ask God to show you how you can grow and become more like His Son, Jesus Christ as a result of the pain you are going through.



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