This year St. Peter’s UCC in Grant Park is providing the book A Love Worth Giving to You at Christmas by Max Lucado for our members to distribute to their families, friends, and neighbors as a small gift. Each book includes an invitation to worship with our church family on Christmas Eve.
Throughout Advent we are reminding everyone that they are worth loving! Lucado writes, “(Jesus) went from commanding angels to sleeping in straw. From holding stars to clutching Mary’s finger. The palm that held the universe took the nail of a soldier. Why? Because that’s what love does.”
Each day, during Advent, join us for a journey to see just how much God’s love for you is evidenced in the story of Christmas.
(Read Day 1) – The Light Shines Forth
Out of the Small the Mighty One Comes
The prophet Micah was another of God’s chosen people to deliver the news of hope to the earth and prophecy concerning the arrival of a future Messiah.
With turmoil and war surrounding the people, Micah knew that they needed to know that they were loved by God and worthy to receive the news of a Savior.
Micah shared, “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.” (Micah 5:2)
Bethlehem was an unwalled village just a few miles south of Jerusalem with roughly 100 people dwelling in it just over 2,000 years ago. It was a small town, but had a rich history in the Biblical narrative of history.
We know it was the birthplace of King David, it was the place where an angel appeared and announced to Joseph that Mary was going to be with child, it was the location the Magi went to visit Jesus after His birth, and the place of the massacre of the Innocents proclaimed by Herod.
The people there lived in homes in front of caves, so it is very easy to envision Mary and Joseph staying outside of an Inn inside a cave providing security and warmth for animals.
Again, it was a small town. Today, it isn’t much different. If you pay visit to Bethlehem don’t be disappointed in the fact that it is guarded and separated by a security gate and wall. Down be surprised that it isn’t anything fancy. Don’t be surprised that the people there are still small in number and struggling to thrive economically. It’s not really a tourist attraction, unless you want to simply see the area in which Jesus was born.
But out of small came Someone Mighty. This Mighty One was not another earthly King such as Hezekiah, or another ruler in Israel. This Mighty One was foretold to be the Messiah – a Ruler, a Judge, a King.
Can you imagine that you are so loved that the One who came to rule over all the earth, the One who came to become a Judge, the One who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords came for YOU?
Though we are small, and weak, the Mighty God of all the Universe came so that we can be made strong in Him.
Psalm 139:14 says, “I will praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
YOU were created by a loving God in a wonderful way.
Prayer: Mighty God, in my own weakness I have been made strong because You love me in unimaginable ways. Though I do not deserve grace and mercy, You have abundantly provided them for me. Thank you for creating me, for forgiving me, for loving me, for coming to this earth to save me. Amen.